HiowBeorht Pointy Man
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Bringing Colour to the Middle Ages

HiowBeorht Pointy Angel
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Previous Commissions

Here are a few examples of commissions I have completed in the past.


15th C. Triptych

One of the most ambitious commissions I have under taken. And one of the most rewarding.

The client, keen living history re-enactors, wanted a triptych featuring themselves in 15th Century attire and some relevant saintly depictions.

The wooden housing was made from recycled oak to a design inspired by a 15th C. tritych in Barcelona, and the images are painted onto boxwood panels. The result is this stunning object, perfect for medieval Lords and Ladies.

Cost: Cash Cash Cash

Decorated Surname

The commission was simple. The client wanted their surname written and decorated.

I produced this lovely little image. The Capital letter is bedecked with trailing vine leaves and a small bunny is blowig a fanfare.

A decorated surname is a great and affordable way to commission something meaningful and medieval

Cost: Cash


A copy of a Manuscript Page

This was one of the most challenging commissions I have under-taken. The brief was to produce a reasonably accurate copy of a page from a manuscript by the 13th. entury monk and scholar, Matthew Paris.

The client (a professor of History at Edinburgh University) wished it to be this particular page as it related to a PHD of a friend and colleague for who this commission was to be a gift.

The page is written on real calf skin vellum using iron oak gall ink made to a medieval recipe. The page features pen flourished initials and a manicule and kings head, as well as other small glosses, in the margins.

Cost: Cash Cash Cash

Battle of Maldon Poem

A jolly little commission. This is a stanza from a 10th Century poem of the Battle of Maldon

The client wanted the poem written in oth pld english and modern english, which was an interesting challenge.

I solved it by writing the old poem in large Anglo-Saxon script and the modern inserted between the lines in a smaller, easier to read script. This echoes the manner of adding translations as glosses which was a common practice in the middle ages.

Cost: Cash


Wedding place holders

I was delighted to be asked to produce these wedding place holders for the client, who are regular demonstrators at events, so I know them well.

I produced somewhere in the region of eighty or so cards, mostly in a simple gothic script, but I added a nice Gothic Faktur script for the bride and groom and other VIPs.

Cost: Cash Cash

A medieval Insult

This was so much fun. The client wanted an insult, but left the content entirely up to me.

The research for the weird and wonderful words that I could use was very entertaining, and then I strung them together in a scathing insult. The whole page was decorated in a late 13th/early 14th century style.

Cost: CashCash


Shakespeare Quote

The client commissioned be to produce - in a medieval style, this quote from Shakespeare.

It may be a bit anachronistic, but it was a fun commission to undertake.

I based the style on the Maastricht Hours and the end result was very pleasing.

Cost: Cash Cash

Coat of Arms

What respectable medieval Lord would not want his coat of arms painted so splendidly.

This is one I produced for myself. It isn't based on anything historical, so is just a bit of fun.

If you know what you want, then this is an affordable commission. I can also design a coat of arms for you, based on either your interests or meaning from your surname.

Cost: Cash


Reynard the Fox

Reynard the Fox was a popular story in medieval times. I was commissioned to produce a piece inspired by the story.

With the earlist images only being produced in print, I decided to base my illustration on these, hence the black and white pen work.

Cost: Cash

Wooden Sign

A very cheap commission. A personaised wooden sign.

This one is for a child's bedroom, but 'beware of the dog/vikings' or 'here be monsters/witches' and other such things are popular.

But you can have whatever you like.

Cost: Cash

money demon

How much does it cost?

Each commission is unique and that can make it hard to price. However, we always strive to be affordable.

We do what we do because we love it. And we hope you like what we produce. We do not want price to be a barrier to ownership so we charge very little for the time, effort and materials that we use.


To help with the pricing I have added a 'cost' to each of the examples on this page.

Cash - Up to £100

CashCash - £100 to £250

CashCashCash - Over £250

Time accounts for nearly all the cost, some materials like real parchment and gold can add significantly to the price.

Commission process

So, you've decided to get a commission. Congratulations! The first step it email me a rough idea of what you want and I will get back to you with some questions and options, and we can take it from there.

My email address is: hiowbeorht@gmail.com